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Mission of ROK to ASEAN

Ambassador Lee Jang-keun, born in September 1965 in Korea, is a career diplomat of the Republic of Korea who has served for the country for more than thirty years. Ambassador Lee joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in 1991 when Korea acquired a full membership of the United Nations.

Prior to coming to Jakarta in May 2023 as Ambassador of Korea’s Mission to the ASEAN, Ambassador Lee has served in a number of countries in various functions both bilateral and multilateral diplomatic posts, including Budapest-Hungary, Rabat-Morocco, New York-United Nations, Vienna-Austria, Geneva-Switzerland and Dhaka-Bangladesh. 

Ambassador Lee has extensive experiences in international organizations and multilateral areas both home and abroad. He assumed the Director of Disarmament and Nonproliferation(2008-2009), Deputy Director-General(2015-2016) and Director-General of International Organizations(2017-2018) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Ambassador Lee served at the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations in New York as First Secretary(2005-2007), to the UN and other international organizations in Vienna as Counsellor(2009-2012), and to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva as Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative and also as head of Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament (2018-2020).

He also worked at the United Nations Secretariat as Member of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1718(2012-2014). He worked at the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea as Assistant Secretary to the President for Foreign Affairs and Security(2014-2015).

He graduated Yonsei University, Seoul, with the major of political science in 1991 and did the master’s degree at the State University of New York(SUNY) in Buffalo, USA in 1995 in the international relations. He is married with two daughters.

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