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Senior Executive Vice President

Thai Bond Market Association

Miss Ariya Tiranaprakij is a Senior Executive Vice President of Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA). She is responsible for overseeing bond market development, market regulation, market research as well as policy initiatives proposed by the Association. Joining the ThaiBMA since its inception, she actively involved in the setting up of bond market convention, standard practices and information disclosure for the industry.

Miss Ariya serves in various bond market committees appointed by the authorities i.e. Sub-Committee on Capital market and Insurance business under the Senate Committee, Committee determining standard knowledge and exam curriculum for securities industry professional (Thailand Securities Institute), Committee considering corporate bond offering and issuance regulation (Securities and Exchange Commission), Investment Committee for the Fund for management of public debt restructuring and bond market development (Public Debt Management Office). Prior to joining ThaiBMA, she worked as an investment banker at Capital Nomura Securities.

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