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Greetings from the Ambassador of the Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN


Join us in the 2024 ASEAN-ROK Financial Cooperation Forum.

The world is watching ASEAN as an epicentrum of growth. ASEAN emerged as the fifth largest economy of the world boasting a nominal GDP surpassing $3.6 trillion, a population of 680 million, and sustaining high economic growth rates annually. ASEAN is expected to become the fourth largest economy by 2030.

On top of that, amidst dynamic global geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape is causing an unprecedented challenge to the world, ASEAN is expected to play an instrumental role in turning the challenges into new opportunities.

Against this backdrop, the ASEAN-ROK Financial Cooperation Center in Jakarta is hosting an inaugural 2024 ASEAN-ROK Financial Cooperation Forum on 4th and 5th July 2024 in Jakarta with the intent of fostering collaboration and identifying mutually advantageous cooperation avenues between Korea and ASEAN for collective advancement. 

While ASEAN's communal cooperation in the financial domain encompasses various agendas, this year's focal point revolves around 'Sustainable Finance.' Specifically, discussions will center on the proactive measures financial entities ought to undertake to invigorate and mainstream sustainable finance within the region. 

Five out of 10 ASEAN member countries are categorized as nations directly impacted by climate change. Concurrently, amidst regional economic progress, endeavors are underway to address environmental and social challenges such as pollution, resource scarcity, and socioeconomic disparities that emerge as consequential effects. Heightened awareness underscores ASEAN's pronounced inclination towards and commitment to sustainable finance compared to other regions. 

While ASEAN, in collaboration with other nations and regions, has spearheaded numerous initiatives yielding tangible outcomes, inherent risks and constraints persist. This forum aims to examine both success narratives and challenges within sustainable finance, elucidating the requisite strategies for financial authorities and institutions to effectively propagate sustainable finance within the ASEAN market. 

We anticipate active engagement from stakeholders, fostering a collective vision for the future. We eagerly await your invaluable insights and participation. 

Warm regards,

Mr. Jang-keun Lee


Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN



Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, Gelora Bung Karno,

Jakarta, 10270,


Tel:  +62 21 2970 3333


Download the presentation slides and photos here!

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